
All our activities are guided by the common values ​​of the Vision Specialists (Näköasiantuntijat), which are expertise, closeness to people, locality and ethics.


  • We train regularly and develop our professional skills so that they are constantly the best in the industry.
  • We map customer’s needs very thoroughly, always from the perspective of both products and eye health.
  • We always evaluate and do all customer work from the perspective of the customer’s need and overall benefit, and justify it to the customer.
  • We always present the best solution to the customer, with an emphasis on individuality, quality, the most suitable product and added value for the customer.
  • We take overall responsibility for the customer’s service process and its end result.

Closeness to people

  • We genuinely care about every customer as a person.
  • We listen and are interested in the opinions of our customers.
  • In a service situation, we are genuinely present, and we consider the customer from the perspective of both empathy and substance.
  • We take into account the customer’s individual needs, as a specialist we explain the possibilities, and together with the customer we think of a solution.
  • We respect the customer both in the service situation and as a person.


  • We are worthy of trust because we are known.
  • We know our customers and take them into account in our product range and service situation.
  • We know how to apply the general good principles of the network locally for the benefit of the customer and partners.
  • We are able to make decisions quickly.
  • We build our society locally e.g. by paying our taxes to the local municipality.
  • We are flexible to co-operate at local events and doing business with us is effortless.


  • We act honestly, with good morals and reliably.
  • We comply with laws, regulations and industry guidelines and do not seek quick wins by adjusting corners.
  • We value all customers equally.
  • We treat our co-workers with respect, work openly, work as a team to achieve mutual goals.
  • We act responsibly as employers and with respect for our employees.

A vision specialist

  1. follows the guidelines established by the Ethics Council for Optometry in its work.
  2. conducts and records their examinations thoroughly and accurately.
  3. is a healthcare professional.
  4. lets its expertise show and belong to every client.
  5. is genuinely customer-oriented, empathetic and service-minded.
  6. does their work with high professional ethics.
  7. takes care of the fair fulfillment of their training obligation.
  8. is interested in learning something new.
  9. can use diagnostic drugs.
  10. is specially trained as a dry eye specialist.

Noora Paavola, Kristian Isaksen, Tarja Laukka and Henri Järvenpää