Eye examination fast and easy
We help you choose the most suiting frames and best lenses for you. We only trust in the best manufacturers of frames and lenses and always deliver as fast as possible. We will also service and repair your eyewear if needed. We will be happy to help you in all matters related to your eyes and eyesight.
You will find it is quick and easy to come to us for an examination, at times even without an appointment. We offer a wide variety of examinations concerning Your eyes.

A carefully performed, extensive eye examination takes time and because of this we reserve at least half an hour for the examination. With us, the eye examination always includes an IOP measurement and if necessary, we can examine the structures of the eyes with a microscope, photograph the fundus and in connection with these examinations we can also use diagnostic drugs.
Our operations and vision examinations are guided by the Optician’s ethical guidelines, the Optometry Council’s (OEN) guidelines for good examination of optometrists and the values of the Vision Specialists.

You can find a pricelist of our services here.
More on the subject of eye examinatons (in Finnish) can be found here.
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Myopia is a refractive error in the eye, which is usually caused by the eye being too long compared to the eye’s refractive power. Myopia is corrected with minus glasses. More and more children are developing myopia at an ever younger age – partly due to the increasing prevalence of sedentary indoor lifestyles and more time spent looking at objects close up. The younger a child develops myopia, the further it develops and the stronger it becomes.
Research show that high myopia worsens quality of life and increases the risk of developing eye diseases (retinal detachment, glaucoma, caratacs) at a later stage in life.

Myopia Control includes different methods of restraining and slowing down the development of Myopia:
- Spectacle lenses, Stelles (Essilor) and MiYOSMART (Hoya)
- Soft contact lenses, MiSight (CooperVision)
- Rigid contact lenses, Orthokeratology or Ortho-K
- Atropine drops
Myopia control, according to numerous studies, can slow down the growth of the eye and, thus, prevents the risk of eye diseases and improves the quality of life.
Read more (in Finnish) here.
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Dry eyes are a common problem
Eye dryness is a common and growing problem that is also increasing with children and adolescents. Its symptoms in the eyes include stinging and burning, feeling of debris and sand, photosensitivity and runny eyes. Its causes can be nutrition, diets, allergies, medications, mechanical air conditioning, telephone and tablet use and more.

Eye dryness can be examined and treated successfully. Iris’ optometrists provide a modern dry eye service, where they perform a dry eye examination and measurement, recommend further treatment and follow up on the effectiveness of the treatment.
Dry Eyes Proper Service
You’ll easily identify Your eye dryness by doing the home test below. Add up Your symptoms and see if You are in need of our Dry Eyes Proper Examination.
Do you recognize these symptoms of dry eyes as your own?
- I have wet and runny eyes
- My eyes feel grainy or are sensitive to light
- My eyes itch or burn
- My vision is hazy
- My eyes turn red
How many did you recognize?
- 1 Wait and see
- 2-3 Come talk to us
- 4-5 Make an appointment immediately
Visual fatigue can be caused by
- excessive visual load
- improper lens type or fit
- improper spectacles fit
- eye dryness
Accurate measurements – good care
With the new MYAH device, we can perform precise measurements of the various properties of the eye. These are very useful in the treatment of dry eyes and other services we provide.
Blephex – cleaning the eyelids
Dry Eyes care may also include cleaning the edge of the eyelids with the Blephex device. This form of treatment can accelerate the opening of blockages in the meibomian glands and can in the most severe cases even be a necessary step towards healthy eyes.

You can find a pricelist of our services here.
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All kinds of contact lenses
You can correct most of the common, vision related challenges with contact lenses. In addition to farsightedness and nearsightedness, one can correct astigmatism and presbyopia. The most common contact lenses are soft, either monthly or disposable lenses. The monthly lenses are either day lenses that you always remove for the night or night-and-day lenses that you can wear for up to 30 days in a row, provided that everything works as intended.
We prescribe special contact lenses
In addition to regular soft lenses, we also prescribe special contact lenses that can be soft, but also hard lenses or hybrid lenses. Special contact lenses are needed in cases when the regular ones cannot be fitted reliably or the customer does not see well enough with them.
The special lenses include, but are not limited to, Rose K keratoconus lenses and Scleral lenses that do not necessarily have to touch the cornea, ie. the middle of the eye.

Myopia Control
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the most common cause of impaired vision in the world and the second most common cause of blindness. CooperVision’s MiSight lenses aim to prevent an increase in the need for minus power, especially in adolescents and school children.

More on Myopia Contr0l in Finnish can be found here.
You can find a pricelist of our services here.
More on the subject of contact lenses (in Finnish) can be found here.
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Digital fundus photography
We scan the retina with the EasyScan imaging system, which allows us to get more accurate and versatile fundus images compared to traditional photographs.
With the help of fundus images, we can effectively screen and follow up on deviations, and give a statement where we suspect changes from previous images or deviations from how these images are expected to look like. In case of suspicion, we request a final statement from an ophthalmologist or a medical doctor (MD) who specializes in ophthalmic conditions by remote connection or refer the customer to the ophthalmologist’s office for further examination.
You can find a pricelist of our services here.
More on the subject of fundus photography (in Finnish) can be found here.
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All kinds of repairs
We do all kinds of repairs and adjustments of spectacle frames, when possible. The most common repairs are soldering of metal and plastic frames and fastening of spring mounted temples that have come loose.
As a warranty service, we offer our regular customers, adjustment of the frames and tensioning of the screws, replacement of nose pads if necessary and afterwards, a proper cleaning of the lenses.

Repair of plastic frame
Sometimes a part of the frame sadly breaks prematurely or an important part comes loose and disappears. In such cases, it is good to know that our optometrists are ready to make the necessary repairs so that you can wear your glasses for a long time more. Most frames we sell can be repaired in the event of an accident. Sometimes rarely the repairs succeed so well that there are no visible traces of repair, but why throw away glasses that are otherwise in good condition just because some part of it comes loose?

You can find a pricelist of our services here.
Contact information
Lens grinder in our workshop
We grind most of the lenses we sell, because we have a grinding machine for spectacle lenses in our workshop. So we can grind new lenses into your spectacle frames while you wait and drink a cup of coffee that we also provide.
Read more about the lenses we have in stock here.

You can find a pricelist of our services here.
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Plastic frames are good looking and great, but they don’t always sit on your nose as you’d like. To improve the fit, we can install nose pads in the frame. Options include a booster cushion that follows the material of the plastic frame or an adjustable nose pad with a stem. In the first option, the pillow is always fixed, but in the latter, nose pads of different sizes and materials can be changed.

You can find a pricelist of our services here.
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These are some of the services we provide
Eye examination Always includes IOP measurement |
45€ |
Eye Examination for school-aged children Extensive eye examination of schoolchildren (age limit 8 years). |
45€ |
Fitting of soft contact lenses Fitting, follow-up examination and guidance for use and care. |
75€ |
Replacement fitting of contact lenses When using contact lenses, but want to change the lens type. |
60€ |
Contact lens follow-up Regular examination of the condition of the eyes for contact lens wearers. |
35€ |
Dry Eyes Proper Examination Includes at least three visits. |
65€ |
Blephex - deep cleaning of eyelids Includes a relaxing warm wrap and Blephagel or Blephasol Duo. |
118€ |
Dry Eyes follow-up examination Examination following the initial Dry Eyes Proper Examination. |
30€ |
Retinal photography Includes, if necessary, a remote consultation with an ophthalmologist. |
25€ |
Pupil dilating eye drops Used during examination or photography. |
20€ |
Fitting of special contact lenses For instance keratoconus or scleral lenses. |
~60€/hour |
The Visioffice®3 camera-system For selecting frames and measuring EyeCodetm. |
Mending of eyeglasses frames The price is defined on basis of the intricacy of the work. |
35€ - 120€ |
Grinding of eyeglass lenses The price is defined on basis of the intricacy of the work. |
90€ - 150€ |
Installing nose pads in plastic frames The price is determined by the type of nose pad. |
59€ - 79€ |
Fitting of eyewear for hobbies Golf, shooting, orienteering etc. |
Fitting of special lenses for work Computer glasses, protective eyewear, dentist's loupe, etc. |
Download form for special computer glasses here. |